As we approach the end of the liturgical year, the Gospel readings often turn our attention to the end times, with vivid images of darkness, calamity, and uncertainty. These apocalyptic visions can be unsettling but carry a profound message today. The darkening of the sun, the dimming of the moon, and the falling stars symbolize the trials and tribulations that we face, not just in the distant future but in our lives.
Jesus’ message is clear: since no one knows the exact time of His return, we must focus on the present. The future is not some far-off event; the future is now. Jesus promises that these challenges will come, but He also promises that He is near, right at the gates. This Gospel is not about fear but the ultimate victory over darkness for those who remain faithful. That victory is not something we have to wait for—it’s available to us now. We have the strength to face darkness confidently, knowing our future is secure in God’s hands. The future holds no fear for us because the one we await is already here among us.
Life flourishes despite challenges for those who hear and follow God’s word. They are in the “greening” of their lives, choosing growth, fruitfulness, and life. As partners in His mission for all Filipino families, we must move beyond fear and live with the trust that God will care for us. We have no reason to fear the future. We are people of hope and believe God is in control. He gave Himself to us so that we can give ourselves to Him. United with Christ, who brings life through death, we can trust our loving Savior to care for us.